It’s taught in 4 hospitals with excellent rankings in the United States, it has the highest quality and cutting-edge technology, such as Brain and Spinal Neuronavigation (BrainLab ®), 7 different brain micro-scopes, within which we have specific microscopes for oncological surgery with 3D images and fluorescence, particularly used in conjunction with 5-ALA is a compound ingested by the patient before surgery, (in a solution liquid) that causes malignant glioma cells to fluorescence. With this modified neurosurgical microscope, the neurosurgeon can more easily identify and remove the tumor lesion.
Our program is designed for Latin American Neurosurgeons to broaden their knowledge, develop clinical experience, think focused, and critically employ evidence-based neurological care for the neurosurgical population.
With the primary objective of providing a transition opportunity to practice focused on the specialty to become world leaders in the care of the neurosurgical population of patients in Latin America.
Our fellowship in Neuro-Oncology and Spinal Surgery will provide the optimal practice training environment for Latin American Neurosurgeons.
Unrivaled training in the use of NICO® BrainPath pneumatic ant exoscope and instrumentation, the world’s first and only trans-surcal system for standardized subcortical surgery.
Specialists in interventional Neuro-radiology. Otolaryngology, Neurological Intensive Care, Neuroendocrinology, Neuroophthalmology. Neuro-oncology, Neuro-radiology.
In addition to extensive training in gamma-ray surgery (Gamma-knife®). This leads us to have a harmonious union between:
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